Next VESS: AI in aviation, Oct 30

/ October 19, 2020

Applied simulation, modelling and AI in aviation in VESS talks this month. Next, V VESS will take place online on Oct 30. VESS OCt 30 PieraOur next speaker from the academy, Dr Miquel Angel Piera Eroles from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, will give a talk on socio-technical simulation models.

Dr Miquel Angel Piera is a full-time professor at UAB and co-founder and member of the scientific advisory board a spin-off company Aslogic. He is a director of LogiSim (research group on Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems). Moreover, he is member of the Editorial Board of 3 international journals, former Editor in Chief of IJBRM. During his career, Dr Piera has received several awards and recognitions, among which it is mentioned the “Outstanding Professional Contribution Award” from the internal Society for Computer Simulation (SCS) in the USA in 2013 and Institution of Mechanical Engineers Award (UK), Aerospace Division: William Sweet Smith Prize 2015. He has coordinated as Scientific Coordinator more than 10 Spanish national research projects and more than 30 Industrial funded projects, and he has also participated in a number of EC funded research.

Don’t miss this interesting VESS talk about AI in aviation and register now! Registration is free of charge and is open to everyone! More details about the speaker and our upcoming seminars can be found on the VESS page here. EUROSIM and the Dutch Benelux Simulation Society continue organising VESS – free simulation seminars.

More VESS simulation talks in November and December!

  • aviation
  • artificial intelligence
  • logistics
  • industry
  • academy
  • simulation
  • modelling
  • and many more!

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